Make time for you.


We are used to multitasking the requests of our boss, our teachers, our co-workers, and our friends and families; and generally do so without much thought. We block out time for these relationships every day.  And on many days, it feels like time is flying by at warp speed.

We may not be thriving with bits of ourselves being accessed by so many. It is important to carve out moments of solitude to balance the needs of our inner self with our busy lives.

Make it a point to block out 10 to 15 minutes of the day for just you. No phones, no computers, no tv, no book; no distractions, just you and your thoughts. You’ll find that embracing the practice of solitude is the best form of self-care. Over time, you’ll enjoy the long-term benefits of spending time alone including: reduced stress, better memory and problem-solving, improved self confidence, and you’ll experience less depression. And - you will be surprised at how refreshed and ready you are for facing a new day.


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