Be a better listener.

Be a better listener

Listening is a fundamental component of conversation. Being a good listener or becoming a better listener is an active process that includes showing you are listening, asking questions that encourage sharing, and understanding what is being said by the person speaking.

Actively listening can help draw out details that otherwise may not have been shared and it is a helpful skill to develop in personal and business relationships. How can you be a better listener? Following are some helpful techniques that can help you get started on your journey to being a better listener.

Show you are listening

  • Focus on the conversation and remove distractions. Turn the television off or mute the sound. Put your phone away. If the area you are in is loud, move to a place where you can speak and hear each other.
  • Listen for emotions and meaning, make eye contact, evaluate the tone of what is being said and body language associated with it.
  • Be patient. Don’t interrupt with questions or comments that can lead the speaker astray. Interrupting sends the message that you don’t care about what the other person is saying.

Encourage sharing

  • Encourage more sharing by asking questions like, how did that make you feel, what were you thinking at the time, can you tell me more about …, what did you learn, or what will you do?
  • Don’t offer your own experiences in response, your experience may or may not be in line with what is being shared with you.
  • Summarize the speaker’s most important points in your own words and ask for feedback.
Strive to understand
  • Listen with an open mind. Try to understand the speaker’s point of view even if you do not agree. Avoid opinions and judgements until you understand their perspective.

Try actively listening during your next conversation and watch these techniques improve the dialogue you have with others.


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